Created by a bunch of people, including Lydia Laurenson
This page last updated December 2023
We're based in the Bay Area with contributors everywhere. We cover art, culture, business, tech, science and spirituality, relationships, governance, and beyond, because change is occurring at all levels: The individual, family, community, city, nation, and the world.
Things We Do
We launched in 2019 and raised money on Kickstarter. Then the Covid-19 pandemic started while we were producing Issue One of the print magazine. By the grace of God and the hard work of everyone involved, we were able to finish Issue One in 2020 (you can still buy it! and read some of the articles online!). But once Issue One was done, our founder, Lydia, decided to hibernate the organization until she had more clarity on changes wrought by the pandemic.
In late 2023, Lydia started planning Issue Two. She is fundraising and seeking contributors. If you want to contribute your writing or art, or otherwise get involved, we have a form for you to fill out. You can also help by pre-ordering Issue Two.
When we raised money on Kickstarter, we planned a bunch of events. Then we had to cancel most of those events because of the pandemic. We'd like to do more events in the future and are planning at least one big one in 2024.
To be the first to hear about new announcements, including events, sign up for our email mailing list.
If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation, click here.
Values: A Note from the Founder
My name is Lydia and I founded The New Modality. These are the core values I identified when we began.
• Truth: We will tell the truth.
This might sound simple, but it’s not, especially when creating organizational processes to ensure that we tell the truth at scale.
As part of our commitment to truth, we will clearly and publicly document our fact-checking and epistemological processes. We're doing this because an article about personal spirituality may have a different fact-checking process when compared to an article describing a new scientific paper.
Ideals here include transparency, empiricism, and directness.
• Respect: We will respect the people and communities we cover and serve.
We speak respectfully of people, even when we disagree with them. We also respect our contributors by being transparent about our pay rates and other processes that affect their work.
As part of our commitment to respect, we do our best to get articles about specific identities, perspectives, or communities reviewed by outside readers with expertise in those things pre-publication.
Ideals here include clarity, honor, and empathy.
• Stewardship: We will use sustainable practices, preferably regenerative ones.
“Regenerative” is a word often found in conservation circles, referring to pro-environment practices that build up an ecosystem, rather than simply failing to harm it further. (Another way of thinking about this is to “leave this world a little better than you found it,” as Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell reportedly said.)
As part of our commitment to stewardship, we used carbon-neutral paper for the first print issue, and we hope to continue doing so. We also do our best to avoid industry practices that harm readers’ trust in the media ecosystem, like misleading clickbait headlines, because those things mess up the ecosystem for everyone — even if those practices are common.
Ideals here include integrity and long-term thinking.
P.S. Reminder! Please subscribe, or buy Issue One via our online Backerkit store :)